Аліса Темербек


The article deals with the tendencies of development of foreign trade of Ukraine at the present stage. Globalization and the integration of the world economy are two important factors that determine the development of the world economy on the border of the 21st century. They will continue affecting trade, financial flows, and global environment, and therefore will require a search for a dynamic equilibrium at both the international and subnational levels. The article states that the main export products are agricultural products, as well as the increase in the share of the EU countries in the total trade turnover.

An important feature of the current situation in Ukraine's foreign trade is the increase in trade volumes compared to 2016, imports growing faster than exports, and the share of goods accounts for 80 % of exports and 90 % of imports.

To strengthen the foreign trade security in the agrarian market in Ukraine, it is necessary to ensure conditions for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products, which will not contradict the principles of state support and regulation of the agrarian market provided for by the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.

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Zovnishnotorhovelnyy balans Ukrayiny u I pivrichchi 2017 roku [Ukraine’s foreign trade balance in the first half of 2017]. (2017). ukrstat.gov.ua. Retrieved from www.ukrstat.gov.ua/operativ/menu/menu_u/zed.htm [in Ukrainian].

Stan zovnishnoekonomichnykh vidnosyn iz krainamy Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu v I pivrichchi 2017 roku [The state of foreign economic relations with the countries of the European Union in the first half of 2017]. (2017). ukrstat.gov.ua. Retrieved from www.ukrstat.gov.ua/operativ/menu/menu_u/zed.htm [in Ukrainian].

Osnovni pokaznyky zovnishnoi torhivli Ukrainy [Key Indicators of Ukraine's Foreign Trade]. (n.d.). ucab.ua. Retrieved from: http://ucab.ua/ua/doing_agribusiness/zovnishni_rinki/osnovni_pokazniki_zovnishnoi_torgivli_ukraini [in Ukrainian].


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