Руслан Лавров, Ірина Садчикова, Христина Штирхун


The article is devoted to the study of risks and threats affecting the financial and economic security of an enterprise. The authors detail the essence and sources of external and internal threats of the enterprise, external and internal factors of influence on the financial and economic security of the enterprise have been described as well. External factors include the following: political, macroeconomic, microeconomic, mesoeconomic, environmental, legal, scientific and technical, and technological, natural and man-made, demographic, social and cultural, information, criminal, moral and psychological. Internal factors include: financial, productive, personnel, material and technical support, investment and technological, marketing, ecological, force majeure and legal.

This scientific paper gives a detailed description of these factors, and also offered methods of protection against threats and neutralization of their negative consequences. Among the main methods the authors selected the following: methods of avoiding threats, methods of localization of threats, methods of transferring risks from threats, methods of compensation, methods of diversification and methods of limitation.

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